Friday, June 11, 2010


Someone please kick me in the head...What the hell was I thinking when I told Austin's mother that it wouldn't bother me if her and her boyfriend came up here to look into homes and a job???!!!!
They arrived last Friday. No big deal. Things were good...AT FIRST...Then came the day that Ben blew up at her boyfriend because he didn't hear a whole conversation about Austin having to come inside because it was late but of course, this made Austin cry. So Ben freaks out on said boyfriend, gets in his face and there's a whole round of fireworks...Why the hell did I agree to this again??
So yesterday, I got a text saying that she believes that it would be best for all of us if they went someplace else to stay...So they go. No big deal. I'm happy and relieved at the same time. I go to work, she comes over here to watch Austin while I'm working. Works for me.
I get home today and she says FUCKING GIGGLING, "Guess who forgot to give him his pill today?" I'm thinking oh my God, are you freaking kidding me?? Who on Earth "forgets" to give their child a med that they've been taking for the past 3 years? I don't get it. Call me stupid, whatever. The issue is, I DON'T FORGET and I'm not even his mother! Me thinks it's time to find a new sitter during the day...For the love of God, please give me the strength to deal with stupidity...